Tuesday 9 July 2019



                                            ::It is n simple words it is tables.

                                            : It denotes sign as  * .

                                                          : It can single digits,double,triple and                                                    so on.
                                                                  :  It is also called as a product.
                                            : It is also in decimal multiple (0.2                                                            *1.23)


Image result for multiplication sign
multiplication  symbol. multiplication sign.


                  multiplication tables from 1 to 10:        

Related image

Examples: This is the multiplication chart.
  1)4 times 3  it represents as follows:


2)3 times 4  it represents as  follows:


Multiply  with the decimal numbers: In multiply the decimal numbers, the point to be noted that is putting the point in the answers getting after multiply.

multiplication tricks.

we should count the from left to right to both the numbers point  and put the answer from left to right (from units place to …) 

                              25.11 * 0.125 = 3.13875 ~3.139

multiplication worksheet 1:This is the easy way to learn                                          the tables : 
Image result for multiplication for kids
e. g) the arrow shows that          2 * 9 = 18

 and the same ways  
        9 * 2 =18

Image result for multiplication for kids

multiplication worksheet 2:This is the easy way to learn                                          the tables : 
Image result for multiplication for kids


  Here , in case multiplication is suppose to done.

 In word problem : many students solves the problem by only with one word they get identify which operation is to do. if in case addition and subtraction will also give, then 

words like: how many will their means  =  " + "  to do.

words like how many left means =  " - " to do.

Note :multiplication games,multiplication practice,multiplication games,multiplication flash card.


Saturday 6 July 2019

Percentage %

                                      Percentage (%)

The basic maths percentage(%).These basic maths questions are used in the basic maths test. 

Percentage (%): It is the fraction of 100.
                           It is written in the form of a ratio.
                         It can also be written in the form of a Decimal form.
                           It denoted as a sign  %.
                          100 is a fixed number. Its never going to be from                              200, 300 or something else.

                         e.g)20% = 20 /100=0.2   or 20:100 can also be written.

Percent can also be expressed as a Decimal or a Fraction

pie 1/2
Half can be written...
As a percentage:
As a decimal:
As a fraction:

The  following are good examples :

grid 100 of 100 equals 100%100% means all.
100% of 80 is 100100 × 80 = 80
grid 50 of 100 equals 50%50% means half.
50% of 80 is 50100 × 80 = 40
grid 5 of 100 equals 5%5% means 5/100ths.
5% of 80 is 5100 × 80 = 4

Percentage discount on branded clothes.

In some cases, there is a % based discount on the buy branded clothes. Many ladies go alone to buy it .it is very much important to know how to solve it.  basic maths for competitive exams

1) 12% discount on the price of denim jeans(rs1250)
                       12 /100  *  price of denim jeans
                     =12/100 * 1250
                     =0.12  * 1250
                     = 150 rs discount Amount.
Actual price = 1250 - 150

12% discount is Rs150 (discount  Amount)
12% discount on the price of denim jeans(rs1250) =Rs 1100

10%  means 0.01 multiply with the actual price.
        whatever will you get the amount, that amount will subtract it with an actual price. 
20% means 0.02
22% means 0.22                   

and so on.
basic maths test for job interview


Friday 5 July 2019

Ratio and Proportion

Ratio  and Proportion 
basic maths and these are the basic maths question.

Ratio: It is a number which has a numerator and denominator.
                It is also like a fraction.
               e.g)1:2 , 4:8

  1. The ratio for cooking rice is one cup of rice to two cups of water; but for cooking many kinds of beans, it is one cup of beans to two and a half cups of water.

    we write Ratio mathematically, there are three specific ways :

  2. 1)colon
  3. 2)fraction
  4. 3)"to" (sentence) between two numbers.

Ratio problems: 

Example 1:
In a bag of red and green balls, the ratio of red ball to the green ball is 3:4. If the bag contains 120 green balls, how many red balls are there?
Step 1: 
Let = red sweets
Write the items in the ratio as a fraction.
ratio problem
Step 2: Solve the equation
cross multiply
3 × 120 = 4 × x360 = 4x

This is basic maths formulas for ladies too. It is majorly used in cooking.

Proportion: It is equal to two fractional numbers.
It is related to ratios in which the two ratios are equal to each other. 

1)  1:2 is equal to 4:8 =     1/2   = 4/8 (it is divide by 4 table)

Proportion says that two ratios (or fractions) are equal.

Example: 1/3 = 2/6

Example: The sale price of a phone was 150, which was only rs.80  the normal price. What was the normal price?

150Whole = 80100
cross Multiply it   and then divide by the third number:

Whole = (150 × 100) / 80
= 15000 / 80
Answer: the phone's normal price was 187.50

 The  proportion is majorly used in % problems.(basic maths percentages). 

Thursday 27 June 2019

The number +, - , * ,/ with zero.

            The Number  +,  - , * , / with Zero.    
This is basic maths for kids. this is basic for beginners level students. It is a basic maths question for exams point of view.
1)Any number adding with zero: is the number itself.

         a) 3 + 0 = 3
         b) 0 + 3 = 3
2)Any number subtracting with zero: is the number itself.

          a)3 - 0 = 3
          b)0 - 3 = -3

3)Any number multiplied with zero: is zero.

         a) 3 * 0 = 0
         b)0 * 3 = 0

3)Any number divided with zero: is zero.

            a) 3 / 0 = 0
          note: BY HEART THIS SENTENCE.U WILL NEVER WRONG.AT LEAST IN SILLY MISTAKES.  it is called as a basic maths for competitive exams.

Wednesday 26 June 2019

How many types of numbers have?

basic maths:
This is a generally asked in basic maths for competitive exams.it is also used for basic maths for beginners for students in each respective class level.
              There are different types of numbers. They are:

              1) Natural number.  e.g ( 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10....)

              2) whole number. e.g ( 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10....)

              3) Integers. e.g ( 0,+1,-1,+2,-2.....).

             4)Real numbers(decimal number): These numbers are also called as imaginary numbers.
                     They are again divided into two: They are Rational and Irrational numbers.

Rational numbers: the e.g root of positive numbers.

Irrational numbers: the e.g root of negative numbers.

                  5) Prime numbers:  The number comes in its tables. e.g ( 1,2,3,5,7,....)

                  6)Even numbers: The easiest way to remember is 2 table.
                                                e.g ( 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20....)
                  7)Odd numbers: The easiest way to remember is other than the 2 tables.
                                                e.g ( 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21....)  

Tuesday 18 June 2019

Basics in fractions.

Basic mathematics.these are a basic maths question.it is also used in basic maths for competitive exams. These basic maths formulas are compulsory applicable in solving Algebra problems.

Addition and subtraction of two fractions:

1) 2/3 + 4/5  =2*5 + 4*3 / 3*5
                     =10/15+ 12/15
                     =10 + 12/15
                     =24/15( divisible by 3 table )
      In the above example first, we should make the denominators with the same number.
So that cross multiple the numbers.

2) 2/3 - 4/5  =2*5 - 4*3 / 3*5
                     =10/15 - 12/15
                     =10 - 12/15
                     = - 24/15( divisible by 3 table ) n                                       get bigger number sign.
                     = - 8/5

Multiplication and Division of two numbers:

 1) 2/3 * 4/5  =2 * 4 / 3 * 5
                     = 8 / 15
         In the above example, numerator numbers will multiply and denominator number will multiply.
  2)   2/3   /   4/5  =2/3   /  4/5
                             =2/3 *  5/4(in this step by multiply sign will come and get the reciprocal number of 4/5.

                             =2 * 10/ 3 * 4 ( in this same as multiply)

                             =10/6 ( divisible by 2 tables in one time.)
                             =5/3 ( divisible by again 2 tables).

       So, students don't make silly mistakes.