Saturday 6 July 2019

Percentage %

                                      Percentage (%)

The basic maths percentage(%).These basic maths questions are used in the basic maths test. 

Percentage (%): It is the fraction of 100.
                           It is written in the form of a ratio.
                         It can also be written in the form of a Decimal form.
                           It denoted as a sign  %.
                          100 is a fixed number. Its never going to be from                              200, 300 or something else.

                         e.g)20% = 20 /100=0.2   or 20:100 can also be written.

Percent can also be expressed as a Decimal or a Fraction

pie 1/2
Half can be written...
As a percentage:
As a decimal:
As a fraction:

The  following are good examples :

grid 100 of 100 equals 100%100% means all.
100% of 80 is 100100 × 80 = 80
grid 50 of 100 equals 50%50% means half.
50% of 80 is 50100 × 80 = 40
grid 5 of 100 equals 5%5% means 5/100ths.
5% of 80 is 5100 × 80 = 4

Percentage discount on branded clothes.

In some cases, there is a % based discount on the buy branded clothes. Many ladies go alone to buy it .it is very much important to know how to solve it.  basic maths for competitive exams

1) 12% discount on the price of denim jeans(rs1250)
                       12 /100  *  price of denim jeans
                     =12/100 * 1250
                     =0.12  * 1250
                     = 150 rs discount Amount.
Actual price = 1250 - 150

12% discount is Rs150 (discount  Amount)
12% discount on the price of denim jeans(rs1250) =Rs 1100

10%  means 0.01 multiply with the actual price.
        whatever will you get the amount, that amount will subtract it with an actual price. 
20% means 0.02
22% means 0.22                   

and so on.
basic maths test for job interview


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