Monday 17 June 2019


Basic maths 

These basic maths for beginners.

1) + 5 - 3= 2

The number will get minus n get the bigger number sign.

    the i.e plus sign means if u put + sign to the number (+2) then also do or else u will only write 2 it will also do.

      Which is easy and many students do correct answer of this sign convention.

In the above sum, dull students do see the middle sign i.e +, they do 5-3 =2  and forget to give a sign . Even though they will right.

These are basic maths skill and also a basic maths test.  

2) - 5 + 3 = - 2

The number will get minus n get the bigger number sign. here, the sign will be minus.

      Many students do the correct answer to this sign convention.
     Students do the number minus and forget to give minus sign to that number.

In the above sum, dull students do see the middle sign i.e-, they do 5+3 =8 and forget to give a sign.

Here they will be wrong.

So, please follow this basic clearly which easy but should not avoid for higher studies without knowing basics.this is used in basic competitive exams test.

Note:  + -=  -

           - + = -
These basic maths formulas are important while solving a problem.

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