Saturday 15 June 2019


Basic mathematics uses these formulas in every addition and is compulsory for basic maths for beginners.

1) +5 + 3 = + 8

The number will get plus n get the bigger number sign.
      Which is easy many students do correct answer of this sign convention? Almost everyone.

2) -5 - 3 = - 8

The number will get plus n get the bigger number sign.

      Which is the typical one?
      Many students do the wrong answer to this sign convention.
     Students do the number minus and give minus sign to that number.

- - = -
The above one is used in basic skill test is a basic maths test questions too. 

i.e 5-3=2 and the sign gives minus.

Answer = -2

Note:  - -   =  -

           + + = +

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